Monday, April 27, 2015

Self Care

Last week at our TWLOHA meeting, we discussed self care. This is a reoccurring theme with the topic of mental health, but for good reason! Taking care of yourself should be number one on your priority list!

Mental well being is what I focus on on this blog, but it's important to make sure you are physically well too. If you want to get read more about taking care of yourself physically I encourage you to check out Lauren's blog (link on the side of the page) or click here.

Feeling great physically can do wonders for yourself mentally, even if it's just making sure you get enough sleep each day. As a college student, that is a constant struggle for me but trying to work on little things like that helps with my stress levels and puts me in a better mood. Kassidy's blog does a great job of incorporating both physical and mental well being and I suggest giving it a read! The link is also on the side of the page or you can click here.

Some ways to actively practice self-care:
Photo Credit: Google images

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for referencing my blog! I have loved reading your posts about mental health. Self-care is so important and this chart gives some practical ways to accomplish that.
