Monday, April 27, 2015

How To Be A Friend

Having a friend come to you and share that they aren't doing well can bring on many emotions. You care about this person and you don't want to see them struggle. You want to be able to help out but how?

Take the time to listen. It's a simple answer, but it's effective. Chances are, you aren't a trained psychologist or counselor. You may not know how to fix what's wrong, but you can listen. They've come to you because they trust you and value your friendship. Be present in that conversation with them. Offer to help them in the ways you are able. A lot of the time, that can be something as simple as helping them look some options for help or even walking with them to an appointment. Most importantly, let them know that what they are feeling is valid and that they are not alone.

What if you suspect something is wrong, but they haven't reached out to you?

This is a tricky one. I don't feel like there is one right answer to this because each of your friendships are unique and what may help with one person may not for another. If you notice that a friend might be struggling with something, make an effort to start that conversation. Even just asking how their day/week/month is going can help them see that someone is genuinely interested in how they are feeling. 

As always though, keep your own mental health in mind. Sometimes friends can share a lot with you and it can get pretty heavy. It's okay to say that maybe you aren't in a position, or maybe not even in a mental state yourself, to be able to help them but there are so many resources you can direct them to. Find out what counseling services are in your area. If you're on a college campus, there is most likely free services to student that they are already paying for in their tuition. 

For those in the Topeka area and/or attending Washburn University, this is the counseling staff on campus and they are more than willing to help! They are located in Henderson 111.

Photo Credit: Washburn University

1 comment:

  1. Good friends are such a joy. When you have someone you can turn to when you need it, it makes the trial so much easier. I have several friends that hold me accountable and ask me the hard questions. Because of that, they have my complete trust.
